Trailer landing gears
Load-lifting trailer landing gears for mounting to vehicles
haacon trailer landing gears stand out thanks to their full-length back plate, high degree of rigidity and low weight.

Trailer landing leg
Rear support S/V KmG 750
Rear support, can be used for quick checks. Specially designed for silo vehicles
Product details 
Trailer landing leg
Trailer landing gear S 2000 Plus
Trailer landing gear, static load 50 t, dynamic load 24 t, five different types of foot, full-length back plate, suitable for any vehicle
Product details 
Trailer landing leg
Trailer landing gear L/K3
Trailer landing gear for lightweight semi-trailers that are not subject to tolls, static load 6 t, dynamic load 3 t
Product details 
Trailer landing leg
haacon AX
haacon AX aluminium trailer landing gear
Product details